Tips for Working Remote

As many of us transition to working at home during this health crisis, there’s a few best practices that can help make the transition successful and be productive.

  1. Create a workspace. It’s best to have a dedicated space in your home where you can focus and get things done. If you don’t already have a home office, here’s a few ideas that could work: Use a spare bedroom, formal dining room or living room, or basement. The key is to find a space that you don’t have to share, and will provide you with the quiet space you need. If you can’t find a quiet space, consider using noise-cancelling headphones or working when everyone else is in another room or asleep.
  2. Stick to your schedule. If you had a set schedule in the office, try to stick to it at home. By waking up at the same time you always did, planning a lunch break, and making time to stay in touch with other people, will provide continuity in your routine and make your transition to working at home easier.
  3. Stay professional. As much of our interactions will become virtual using video conferencing or other remote meeting methods, it’s important to be prepared:
    1. Dress appropriately (no PJs or ripped t-shirts or sweatshirts);
    2. Do your best to minimize background noise (or mute yourself when you aren’t speaking and leave your pets and kids in another room);
    3. Be mindful of what is behind you if you’re videoconferencing. Be sure you don’t have sensitive information, potentially offensive materials or photos, or a messy room visible.
  4. Focus on your health. Since you don’t need to commute, take advantage of the extra time to stay healthy! Catch up on sleep, build exercise into your day, or cook healthy meals from scratch.
  5. Don’t forget to connect with colleagues: Working from home can leave you feeling out of the loop and missing the worktime chats with your work friends. Don’t hesitate to call or video chat with your colleagues because it’s likely they’d like to hear from you too.


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